Davis Daylily Gardens
136 Sunset Ridge Trail
Lowgap NC 27024
State Inspected & Certified
Bloom size - description - height - bloom time, E-Early M-Mid La-Late season bloom.
Sev.- Semi evergreen Dor.- Dormant Evr.- Evergreen
Ext.-Extended bloom Fra.- Fragrant Re.- Repeat bloom Tet.-Tetroploid
Dip.- Diploid
Please click on picture to enlarge
Shipping on all Daylily Orders: Priority Mail $10.50 + $1.00 per plant.
Shipping to California, New Mexico, and surrounding States add $2.00 per daylily.
I will start shipping April 20th thru October 20th, or as weather permits.
Please send check to: (I do not take credit cards)
Davis Daylily Gardens
136 Sunset Ridge Trail
Lowgap N C 27024
336-352-3694 All daylily's sold with at least 2 fans or (plants). small daylilies 3 fans.
To order: Email : beckydaylily@surry.net
or Call 336-352-3694 (NO Credit cards) Check or money order
with your list of plants, total amount due, date you would like delivery and shipping address.
Send a list by email of the daylilies you would like along with your check or money order.
You may download an Order Form on the Daylily Price List Page.